Monday, February 28, 2011


Matthew 6:7-8  And in praying do not heap up empty phrases as the Gentiles dofor they think that they will be heard for their many wordsDo not be like themfor your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

I can remember so many times when I just babbled at God. I spent my prayer time going through my life and my relationships with friends and family and telling God all about the things I needed or the things my friends or family needed. I had this idea that telling God what I needed was essential and that once I told God he would respond. I must admit that because he knew I didn't understand yet, I did get some of my babblings met. It was as though I really thought God did not know what was happening in my life or what I needed. More than that it was clearly as if I didn't trust he would get it right without my help.

I don't think this stopped God from doing great things in my life otherwise I would still be stuck in that place. I say stuck, because in reality, trying to tell God what he should do and how to solve the issues in my life, left me with all the same anxieties I had when attempting to deal with things on my own. It seems as we've gone through our preaching series on the beatitudes, we have come to understand that these powerful changes in character are only possible by God's doing. The Holy Spirit working in us changes our character and builds trust in God.

Most of the time now I don't seek for God to orchestrate my plan, I trust that he will guide me to my best plan and will open doors  for His purpose to be completed. No matter what has happened over these later years I know he is working for my good, I have seen his hand so often in my life.

My relationship with Marsha as out marriage grew provided a similar security. I trusted her love for me even when she was upset with me. She worked for my best at all times, even when I didn't want her to. I hope she knew or knows that I did the same for her.

God wants us to have a relationship with him through Jesus that will create this life of trust free of anxiety and fear. A life filled with peace and inner contentment. A life with a deep assurance that God's got my back and eternity is secure. No more babbling, just trust.

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