Monday, February 7, 2011

Just Great

Mark 9:33-35 And they came to Capernaumand when he was in the house he asked themWhat were you discussing on the way?” But they were silentfor on the way they had discussed with one another who was the greatestAnd he sat down and called the twelveand he said to themIf any one would be firsthe must be last of all and servant of all.” 

One of the issues that came up repeatedly for jesus was the disappointment with his disciples. He chose them doing what his Father instructed and yet they just seemed to miss the point. They were always seeking to be first, to sit at his right hand in his kingdom, or looking to be served or famous.Again and again Jesus repeated that the last will be first and the first will be last, and that if you you want to be the greatest of all you must be servant of all. Jesus followed through on the hard wood of the cross he became the greatest by serving us all. He wasn't kidding or using some dramatic hyperbole, he knew what the Father wanted him to do and he willingly did it.

He is still telling his disciples that the last will be first and the first will be last, and that the greatest of all must be servant of all. I know he has been disappointed with me at times when I put myself first or when I'm reluctant to serve. I do have a servants heart a good part of the time but with certain people in certain situations I struggle and even refuse. Even knowing what he wants me to do in that moment may not move me. 

I know Jesus was the one and only with a pure heart, but I really think we also take ourselves off the hook too easily. We stop seeking with all God's help the goals he places before us. I don't have dreams of being first or greatest, but I do want to follow the one who is.

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