Thursday, February 17, 2011

Give What To Who?

Mark 12:14-15 Teacherwe know that you are trueand care for no manfor you do not regard the position of menbut truly teach the way of GodIs it lawful to pay taxes to Caesaror not? Should we pay themor should we not?” 

I think many people spend an inordinate amount of time living back and forth between two worlds. I wrote in my last blog about being caught in the middle, but frequently I think we don't even see our shifting from one to the other. Jesus teaches us in many places not to get confused. He says,"You cannot serve both God and money."  He says, "Store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy, or thieves break in and steal." 

Life moves so fast as we just try to do what it seems mimics what society requires. I find few people who find opportunities to think about life and why they even do what they do. The goals and values seem so common even if the details are different. I'm not just talking about secular society, I see the same thing in the lives of believers.

Jesus tells us that it is not wise to begin something unless we count the cost. We must do the same with our spiritual journey as we would to buy a home or a car. We would take time to study and reflect on important worldly choices but rairly spend the same effort reflecting about God. So maybe we give too much to Caesar and  little to our Lord, and I don't mean money. God made everything that is and could print all the money he wanted if that was his plan and purpose. No he doesn't need your money or anything else, but he desires your love and attention for your own good.

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