Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Spring Has Sprung

I was at the beach today and although it was a little windy the sun was great and the air felt great and the ocean was beautiful as usual. The forecast is for ten days without rain and with temperatures in the lower to upper 70s. Merrie is coming for the week and she is a sun worshipper, so it is perfect for her. It is clear it is spring because my blue car is yellow and I just had it washed. Everyone I know opens the conversation with a comment about their sinuses. My morning wheezing wakes me about the same time as the alarm. Yup it is spring. I'm not complaining by the way, it is just a reminder that even our favorite things need for us to overlook some complications. I'd rather have the unpleasant changes that spring brings then to have only one season. Pick anything and you can find the down side if you want to. You can also find the good in even a bad life if you want to. My life with Marsha was a blessing and losing her is a tremendous loss, but if I look for the positive I would rather she go first and leave me to grieve than the other way around. I have more things to fill my life than she had, and filling time was really important this past year. Why do we want to look at the worst and not the best. I still love spring you know.

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