Monday, January 24, 2011

What Do You Think?

Mark 5:25- 29 And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve yearsand who had suffered much under many physiciansand had spent all that she hadand was no better but rather grew worseShe had heard the reports about Jesusand came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garmentFor she said, “If I touch even his garmentsI shall be made well.” And immediately the hemorrhage ceasedand she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease.

Most of you if you read my rambling thoughts probably have some sense of the things that Jesus did according to the Bible. You have heard about miraculous acts like walking on water and changing water into wine and changing five loaves and a few fishes into enough food to feed five thousand. You know that he healed the blind, the lame, and raised the dead. He cast out demons and even when killed was resurrected from the dead. You might say yes I know about all of that, but that was all that lead the woman with the hemorrhaging to approach Jesus expecting to be healed. What do you expect when you seek help from Jesus? Do you even approach Him at all?

It is clear that if everyone was healed of every disease the earth would be overpopulated even more quickly than it already is. Healing and the interventions of God therefor need to be limited in some way. I can't say I always understand how or why but I do accept that there is a need for a limitation. It seems to me then that the most effective use of those interventions would be to expand the witness to the power of Jesus. If you won't give Him credit for the action, it will not contribute to creating that witness. It would not lead to a world with greater love of Christ. It would be important then for those who will receive this great blessing that they approach Jesus much like the woman in our gospel story. They would be the ones more likely to tell the world what Jesus has done for them, and what he wants the world to know about his love.

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