Friday, January 14, 2011

Follow Me!!

Mark 2:13-14 He went out again beside the seaand all the crowd gathered about himand he taught themAnd as he passed onhe sawLevi the son of Alphaeus sitting at the tax officeand he said to himFollow me.” And he rose and followed him.

When I first read the gospels many years ago, I was amazed that people would leave everything thye knew and everything they had to follow Jesus. It seemed so foreign to me that one man could get that kind of response from such a varied crew, and without much effort. It was part of the witness that began my transition of seeing Jesus as Messiah instead of just a great human example. I thought he must have some supernatural power to have that effect on people. 

Later I realized that he was asking something similar of me. I mean I never walked the dusty roads without a second tunic, but I did come to know Jesus wanted me to leave some things behind and follow Him. I must also say that I was a reluctant follower. I did not want to go where I knew He was asking me to go. From my original efforts at lay ministry all the way to my life today as a retired priest I have left things behind and said yes to follow Him. It still may from time to time be a reluctant journey but I do follow His lead most of the time. At times I led and Marsha followed in our journey with Jesus, at other times Marsha was leading and pointing out the path to me. For example, when I was dragging my feet about seeking ordination, it was marsha who said will you just do it, you know you have to do it, you know your supposed to do it.

I've come to see that those first followers are just examples of his call to each of us. Life changes when we choose to follow Jesus. We will leave behind some things. Not the same things for each of us, but we will leave behind some things. It could be places, or resources or relationships, or occupations, or almost anything else, but like those first ones, who seemed confused by it all at times, we will not regret the journey.

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