Sunday, January 30, 2011


John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”

Jesus had been teaching in the temple and people were amazed at his teaching. They couldn't understand how he could know all he knew without a formal education. Those in power were critical of him, perhaps because they studied so hard and he had more understanding.

I grew up poor, neither of my parents graduated from high school and it was obvious who in our town had money and power and who did not. I had no sense that college was a choice until Jr High School  and even then I had no dream of Harvard or MIT. When later in life I felt called to ordination those who were in charge of the decision almost prevented it because they said I didn't go to the right schools. I think lots of people are judged by externals, some even less important than where you went to school. Class, race, education, gender, height, weight, and looks among others can all be used to fudge or maybe I should say prejudge others.

I was with a friend recently when he was talking to his son on the phone about going to put in an application for employment and the young man was acting advice about what to wear. I would never even have known to ask and if I did my parents would not have the answer that I heard given.

How then do you make right judgement? An open heart and an open mind are a start which an openness to the Holy Spirit can then use to give us wisdom. Jesus means don'r decide without facts. Isn't that a novel idea.

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