Mark 7:14-15 And he called the people to him again, and said to them,“Hear me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside aman which by going into him can defile him; but the thingswhich come out of a man are what defile him.”
Jesus was so right. I'm not saying that we can't take in things that will defile us. at least through our mouths. We might get drunk or high but those biologically wear off with time. I can think of exceptions to that rule. I like music by the Christian group Casting Crowns. One of their song has the lyrics, "Be careful little eyes what you see, it's the second glance that that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings." I t makes me think of David and Bathsheeba as davis glances down from his balcony. Perhaps what really defiled him was the words that set up her husbands death, but it started with the glances.
So many times we enter into judgement and condemnation, or gossip and pride, or who knows what else that comes spewing forth from our insides. We play the little god's looking to control our world with our cunning maneuvers. Jesus knew the plots that were hatched to destroy him, and it had nothing to do with what anyone ate or drank.
In our own ways we hatch our plans to destroy him. Our unwillingness to submit ourselves to his will, our stubborn efforts to get our own way, and especially our example which leads other from him as well, these are the real defilers that continue today.
God help us to guard our hearts and minds from defilement. By your Holy Spirit I asks you to take control of what comes out of me.
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