Mark 7:24b And he entered a house, and would not have any one know it; yet he could not be hid.
Mark 7:35-36 And his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. And he charged them to tell no one; but the more he charged them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.
Jesus shows his humanity throughout the gospels. He had that leave me alone feeling from time to time. He wanted to sneak into town and hide out for maybe even just a few hours. He must at times have felt drained and exhausted by the constant demands of teaching and equipping his disciples as people came flocking to him for healings, miracles and wonders.
Isn't it nice to know that even our Lord felt the way we do. I read on Facebook again and again about friends who are just looking for a few minutes without some demand upon their time. They love their job, spouse, kids, home, and/or life but sometimes they just feel overwhelmed. As a priest the phone could and did ring at any moment day or night. At times the call would come moments before Marsha and I were to leave for a night out, or just before we were getting into bed, or right at dinner time. I would so much want to just find a time to be left alone. I always responded to the need, often because Marsha insisted, and usually we were both exceedingly blessed by what happened.
I've never been able to completely figure out why Jesus told people to keep quiet about Him. At times I've thought it had to do with His not wanting conflict with the authorities before his disciples were ready, but when it happened they still didn't seem ready. At other times I've thought it had to do with his human need for rest and sanity. He needed to be left alone at times. I've also wondered if it was because the focus was being placed on Him by those he touched instead of on His Father. That one is a problem in the church. People who do God's will who are glorified instead of the God. We need to point away from ourselves. Jesus in His humanity pointed to the father. We in our humanity need to point to Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If others turn the focus back to us, we need to fight it with all our abilities.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Sunday, January 30, 2011
John 7:24 Do not judge by appearances, but judge with right judgment.”
Jesus had been teaching in the temple and people were amazed at his teaching. They couldn't understand how he could know all he knew without a formal education. Those in power were critical of him, perhaps because they studied so hard and he had more understanding.
I grew up poor, neither of my parents graduated from high school and it was obvious who in our town had money and power and who did not. I had no sense that college was a choice until Jr High School and even then I had no dream of Harvard or MIT. When later in life I felt called to ordination those who were in charge of the decision almost prevented it because they said I didn't go to the right schools. I think lots of people are judged by externals, some even less important than where you went to school. Class, race, education, gender, height, weight, and looks among others can all be used to fudge or maybe I should say prejudge others.
I was with a friend recently when he was talking to his son on the phone about going to put in an application for employment and the young man was acting advice about what to wear. I would never even have known to ask and if I did my parents would not have the answer that I heard given.
How then do you make right judgement? An open heart and an open mind are a start which an openness to the Holy Spirit can then use to give us wisdom. Jesus means don'r decide without facts. Isn't that a novel idea.
Jesus had been teaching in the temple and people were amazed at his teaching. They couldn't understand how he could know all he knew without a formal education. Those in power were critical of him, perhaps because they studied so hard and he had more understanding.
I grew up poor, neither of my parents graduated from high school and it was obvious who in our town had money and power and who did not. I had no sense that college was a choice until Jr High School and even then I had no dream of Harvard or MIT. When later in life I felt called to ordination those who were in charge of the decision almost prevented it because they said I didn't go to the right schools. I think lots of people are judged by externals, some even less important than where you went to school. Class, race, education, gender, height, weight, and looks among others can all be used to fudge or maybe I should say prejudge others.
I was with a friend recently when he was talking to his son on the phone about going to put in an application for employment and the young man was acting advice about what to wear. I would never even have known to ask and if I did my parents would not have the answer that I heard given.
How then do you make right judgement? An open heart and an open mind are a start which an openness to the Holy Spirit can then use to give us wisdom. Jesus means don'r decide without facts. Isn't that a novel idea.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Mark 7:14-15 And he called the people to him again, and said to them,“Hear me, all of you, and understand: there is nothing outside aman which by going into him can defile him; but the thingswhich come out of a man are what defile him.”
Jesus was so right. I'm not saying that we can't take in things that will defile us. at least through our mouths. We might get drunk or high but those biologically wear off with time. I can think of exceptions to that rule. I like music by the Christian group Casting Crowns. One of their song has the lyrics, "Be careful little eyes what you see, it's the second glance that that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings." I t makes me think of David and Bathsheeba as davis glances down from his balcony. Perhaps what really defiled him was the words that set up her husbands death, but it started with the glances.
So many times we enter into judgement and condemnation, or gossip and pride, or who knows what else that comes spewing forth from our insides. We play the little god's looking to control our world with our cunning maneuvers. Jesus knew the plots that were hatched to destroy him, and it had nothing to do with what anyone ate or drank.
In our own ways we hatch our plans to destroy him. Our unwillingness to submit ourselves to his will, our stubborn efforts to get our own way, and especially our example which leads other from him as well, these are the real defilers that continue today.
God help us to guard our hearts and minds from defilement. By your Holy Spirit I asks you to take control of what comes out of me.
Jesus was so right. I'm not saying that we can't take in things that will defile us. at least through our mouths. We might get drunk or high but those biologically wear off with time. I can think of exceptions to that rule. I like music by the Christian group Casting Crowns. One of their song has the lyrics, "Be careful little eyes what you see, it's the second glance that that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings." I t makes me think of David and Bathsheeba as davis glances down from his balcony. Perhaps what really defiled him was the words that set up her husbands death, but it started with the glances.
So many times we enter into judgement and condemnation, or gossip and pride, or who knows what else that comes spewing forth from our insides. We play the little god's looking to control our world with our cunning maneuvers. Jesus knew the plots that were hatched to destroy him, and it had nothing to do with what anyone ate or drank.
In our own ways we hatch our plans to destroy him. Our unwillingness to submit ourselves to his will, our stubborn efforts to get our own way, and especially our example which leads other from him as well, these are the real defilers that continue today.
God help us to guard our hearts and minds from defilement. By your Holy Spirit I asks you to take control of what comes out of me.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Rockstar Appeal
Mark 6:54-56 And when they got out of the boat, immediately the people recognized him, and ran about the whole neighborhood and began to bring sick people ontheir pallets to any place where they heard he was. And wherever he came, in villages, cities, or country, they laid the sick in the market places, and besought him that they might touch even the fringe of his garment; and as many as touched it were made well.
As a kid I was a Rock & Roll junkie. I had most of the top forty 45RPM records every week. I always loved to sing and dance. I even traveled sometimes to see Rock & Roll concerts. I remember once being at a concert where one of the lead acts was Frankie Avaalon. I watched close enough to catch them as girls fainted in the front row and perhaps elsewhere when he touched them or sang to them. It was living the movie By By Birdie in person.
Once in Filene's on the North Shore of Massachusetts Marsha accidently bumped into the knee of this big guy. She had no idea that it was Larry Bird. I came running over to her and said do you know who that was, and she neither knew nor cared, but I watched as he was quickly surrounded by others. I didn't bother him but others followed him around until they were moved away by security.
It is clear that Jesus had an even greater impact when he was around. In a time when such emotionalism was rare, people flock to be near him and listen to him. They brought all the sick and suffering just wanting even the slightest touch. Miracles happened everywhere he went.
Even most beloved rockstars are eventually forgotten. You might say Elvis and John Lennon could be exceptions, but even they have been mostly forgotten. Jesus is different, his fame is greater today than when he walked the earth. He's the true rockstar.
As a kid I was a Rock & Roll junkie. I had most of the top forty 45RPM records every week. I always loved to sing and dance. I even traveled sometimes to see Rock & Roll concerts. I remember once being at a concert where one of the lead acts was Frankie Avaalon. I watched close enough to catch them as girls fainted in the front row and perhaps elsewhere when he touched them or sang to them. It was living the movie By By Birdie in person.
Once in Filene's on the North Shore of Massachusetts Marsha accidently bumped into the knee of this big guy. She had no idea that it was Larry Bird. I came running over to her and said do you know who that was, and she neither knew nor cared, but I watched as he was quickly surrounded by others. I didn't bother him but others followed him around until they were moved away by security.
It is clear that Jesus had an even greater impact when he was around. In a time when such emotionalism was rare, people flock to be near him and listen to him. They brought all the sick and suffering just wanting even the slightest touch. Miracles happened everywhere he went.
Even most beloved rockstars are eventually forgotten. You might say Elvis and John Lennon could be exceptions, but even they have been mostly forgotten. Jesus is different, his fame is greater today than when he walked the earth. He's the true rockstar.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Look At Me I Deserve It
Galatians 3:2-5 Let me ask you only this: Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law,or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish? Having begunwith the Spirit, are you now ending with the flesh? Did you experience so many things in vain?—if it really is in vain. Does he who supplies the Spirit to you and works miracles among youdo so by works of the law, or by hearing with faith?
Mark 6:30-31 The apostles returned to Jesus, and told him all that they had done and taught. And he said to them, “Come away by yourselves to a lonely place, and rest a while.” For many were coming and going, and they had no leisure even to eat.
Life constantly moves within these different realms. In the gospel the disciples are excited by what happened through the power of the Spirit Jesus had given them for their missionary trip. In the passage from Galatians, believers who had experienced the full expression of the Spirit had returned to a religious life that depended on works or in this translation the flesh.
Sometimes I think I just bounce between the two even now. At times I know I am acting strictly in response to the leading of the Spirit and the next thing I know I'm running around busily trying to win favor and approval, favor both of the world and God.
Staying centered in the presence of God will allow us to depend on the Spirit consistently. I pray every day that I will be filled with the Spirit and recognize God's path for me that day. This is how I receive the rest I need that comes through life in the Spirit.
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Eat My Own Words
Mark 6: 26 And the king was exceedingly sorry; but because of his oaths and his guests he did not want to break his word to her.
The passage is from the account of the death of John the Baptist. Herod swore an oath in front of friends to give his step daughter anything she asked up to half his kingdom. When she asked for the head of John the Baptist he was stuck with his own words. He could recant his oath and do what is right, or endure the embarrassment of breaking his word.
So many times I've wished I could shove my words back in my mouth. Often in those situations I have felt stuck with that same kind of choice. Do the right thing and admit my words were wrong, or stand by my words as if they were true or good. Even if we admit we should never have said those mistaken words we live with the consequences so why not just admit we were wrong.
Lord help me slow down and think before I speak. Help me to stand for what is right no matter what the cost. Help me to avoid the trap set by lose lips.
The passage is from the account of the death of John the Baptist. Herod swore an oath in front of friends to give his step daughter anything she asked up to half his kingdom. When she asked for the head of John the Baptist he was stuck with his own words. He could recant his oath and do what is right, or endure the embarrassment of breaking his word.
So many times I've wished I could shove my words back in my mouth. Often in those situations I have felt stuck with that same kind of choice. Do the right thing and admit my words were wrong, or stand by my words as if they were true or good. Even if we admit we should never have said those mistaken words we live with the consequences so why not just admit we were wrong.
Lord help me slow down and think before I speak. Help me to stand for what is right no matter what the cost. Help me to avoid the trap set by lose lips.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
I've Been Sent
Mark 6:7-11 And he called to him the twelve, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them authority over the unclean spirits. He charged them to take nothing for their journey except a staff; no bread, no bag, no money in their belts; but to wear sandals and not put on two tunics. And he said to them, “Where you enter a house, stay there until you leave the place. And if anyplace will not receive you and they refuse to hear you, when you leave, shake off the dust that is on your feet for a testimony against them.”
I have felt sent. Even long before I started seminary, I felt sent. When I truly turned to jesus with my life I knew life was never going to be the same again. I had no idea where I was going or what I would be doing, but I knew I was being sent to a different life, and I needed to help other people find a new life as well. In one sense I was scared to death to think about what that might mean, but at the same time I was at peace inside and trusted that God would show me the way.
When you read the accounts in the Bible of situations like the one today, it is easy to miss that the twelve each had a choice. They were free to say no thanks not me thank you. I know I recognized that I had a choice and in fact I took baby steps some times when God was asking for bold leaps. I did however find a faithful God at the end of every baby step, showing me a better more meaningful life. It was not that I found easy street for often I felt over my head . I was in that day by day following the request of my Lord as best I could with my limited courage and discovered that Jesus never let me down. If He asked me to speak the words were aways there. If He asked me to lead, something I always swore I would never do, He was always there. Every time I moved to do what I sensed he wanted from em I was blessed by a faithful God. I know I could at any time have said no thanks, but bit by bit God convinced me that watching God's grace spread throughout the world was my life. I might be a school teacher, or a camp director, or a husband and father, but my number one purpose was to love God and my neighbor. It's not that everyone has responded to God the way i would want, some in my own family choose a different path, I just know I have been sent and the going has always been good.
I have felt sent. Even long before I started seminary, I felt sent. When I truly turned to jesus with my life I knew life was never going to be the same again. I had no idea where I was going or what I would be doing, but I knew I was being sent to a different life, and I needed to help other people find a new life as well. In one sense I was scared to death to think about what that might mean, but at the same time I was at peace inside and trusted that God would show me the way.
When you read the accounts in the Bible of situations like the one today, it is easy to miss that the twelve each had a choice. They were free to say no thanks not me thank you. I know I recognized that I had a choice and in fact I took baby steps some times when God was asking for bold leaps. I did however find a faithful God at the end of every baby step, showing me a better more meaningful life. It was not that I found easy street for often I felt over my head . I was in that day by day following the request of my Lord as best I could with my limited courage and discovered that Jesus never let me down. If He asked me to speak the words were aways there. If He asked me to lead, something I always swore I would never do, He was always there. Every time I moved to do what I sensed he wanted from em I was blessed by a faithful God. I know I could at any time have said no thanks, but bit by bit God convinced me that watching God's grace spread throughout the world was my life. I might be a school teacher, or a camp director, or a husband and father, but my number one purpose was to love God and my neighbor. It's not that everyone has responded to God the way i would want, some in my own family choose a different path, I just know I have been sent and the going has always been good.
Monday, January 24, 2011
What Do You Think?
Mark 5:25- 29 And there was a woman who had had a flow of blood for twelve years, and who had suffered much under many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse. She had heard the reports about Jesus, and came up behind him in the crowd and touched his garment. For she said, “If I touch even his garments, I shall be made well.” And immediately the hemorrhage ceased; and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease.
Most of you if you read my rambling thoughts probably have some sense of the things that Jesus did according to the Bible. You have heard about miraculous acts like walking on water and changing water into wine and changing five loaves and a few fishes into enough food to feed five thousand. You know that he healed the blind, the lame, and raised the dead. He cast out demons and even when killed was resurrected from the dead. You might say yes I know about all of that, but that was all that lead the woman with the hemorrhaging to approach Jesus expecting to be healed. What do you expect when you seek help from Jesus? Do you even approach Him at all?
It is clear that if everyone was healed of every disease the earth would be overpopulated even more quickly than it already is. Healing and the interventions of God therefor need to be limited in some way. I can't say I always understand how or why but I do accept that there is a need for a limitation. It seems to me then that the most effective use of those interventions would be to expand the witness to the power of Jesus. If you won't give Him credit for the action, it will not contribute to creating that witness. It would not lead to a world with greater love of Christ. It would be important then for those who will receive this great blessing that they approach Jesus much like the woman in our gospel story. They would be the ones more likely to tell the world what Jesus has done for them, and what he wants the world to know about his love.
Most of you if you read my rambling thoughts probably have some sense of the things that Jesus did according to the Bible. You have heard about miraculous acts like walking on water and changing water into wine and changing five loaves and a few fishes into enough food to feed five thousand. You know that he healed the blind, the lame, and raised the dead. He cast out demons and even when killed was resurrected from the dead. You might say yes I know about all of that, but that was all that lead the woman with the hemorrhaging to approach Jesus expecting to be healed. What do you expect when you seek help from Jesus? Do you even approach Him at all?
It is clear that if everyone was healed of every disease the earth would be overpopulated even more quickly than it already is. Healing and the interventions of God therefor need to be limited in some way. I can't say I always understand how or why but I do accept that there is a need for a limitation. It seems to me then that the most effective use of those interventions would be to expand the witness to the power of Jesus. If you won't give Him credit for the action, it will not contribute to creating that witness. It would not lead to a world with greater love of Christ. It would be important then for those who will receive this great blessing that they approach Jesus much like the woman in our gospel story. They would be the ones more likely to tell the world what Jesus has done for them, and what he wants the world to know about his love.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Hebrews 10:23-25 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.
The root word in encouragement is clearly courage. At the time when the Letter to the Hebrews was written it took courage to be a Christian. This was not a time when people had religious freedom. This was a time when Christians were persecuted and indeed courage was a needed commodity. Christians meeting in small groups in homes and secret places had reason to fear discovery by those who were ready to persecute believers. The church was committed to love and good works in the world to spread the message of Christ, but they would fail in that task if they did not meet for encouragement. The power of God fills people as they gather. The Holy Spirit resident in each believer contributes to the transformation of fearful individuals to the bold Body of Christ.
We need nothing less in our own day. We may not live in days where persecution means possible death, but I find many Christians fearful to be about love and good works in the name of Christ. Our love and good works left devoid of the Holy Spirit or claiming as our Christian action looks no different than the feel good choices of non Christians. Believers seem to be chasing the same goals and dreams and values as the rest of the world. Meeting together for service on Sunday was not what the passage from Hebrews was about. They met frequently during the week for fellowship, teaching and encouragement, not just on the Lord's Day. We need more than an hour a week to be courageous Christians.
The root word in encouragement is clearly courage. At the time when the Letter to the Hebrews was written it took courage to be a Christian. This was not a time when people had religious freedom. This was a time when Christians were persecuted and indeed courage was a needed commodity. Christians meeting in small groups in homes and secret places had reason to fear discovery by those who were ready to persecute believers. The church was committed to love and good works in the world to spread the message of Christ, but they would fail in that task if they did not meet for encouragement. The power of God fills people as they gather. The Holy Spirit resident in each believer contributes to the transformation of fearful individuals to the bold Body of Christ.
We need nothing less in our own day. We may not live in days where persecution means possible death, but I find many Christians fearful to be about love and good works in the name of Christ. Our love and good works left devoid of the Holy Spirit or claiming as our Christian action looks no different than the feel good choices of non Christians. Believers seem to be chasing the same goals and dreams and values as the rest of the world. Meeting together for service on Sunday was not what the passage from Hebrews was about. They met frequently during the week for fellowship, teaching and encouragement, not just on the Lord's Day. We need more than an hour a week to be courageous Christians.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Fear Is Natural Not Normal
Mark 4:39-41 And he awoke and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Bestill!” And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm. He said to them, “Why are you afraid? Have you no faith?” And they were filled with awe, and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even wind and sea obey him?”
I'm no different than any one else (now be careful what you think my friends) in that my body reacts to biological responses to the world. Things that happen can and will cause fear. It is a natural response to the dangers that can occur. Adrenaline will be released to prepare the body for fight or flight. We shouldn't mess with the natural too much, but we shouldn't accept that this fear is normal. God does not want us to live in fear but faith. Fear seems to motivate to many of us too often. They seem to accept that fear is normal. We put so much importance into things or relationships or situations that point to a limited faith in God's providence. God will provide what we need even if it is not all we might want.
Fear that is a normal part of our lives, day in and day out, keeps us from the quality of life that God desires for us. For me that is where the faith comes in that Jesus asked the disciples about. Invest in faith and you won't invest in fear. If you live knowing God's in charge of my eternal life and with me every step in this one, fear is minimized. Not eliminated mind you but minimized. So, keep the faith my friends.
I'm no different than any one else (now be careful what you think my friends) in that my body reacts to biological responses to the world. Things that happen can and will cause fear. It is a natural response to the dangers that can occur. Adrenaline will be released to prepare the body for fight or flight. We shouldn't mess with the natural too much, but we shouldn't accept that this fear is normal. God does not want us to live in fear but faith. Fear seems to motivate to many of us too often. They seem to accept that fear is normal. We put so much importance into things or relationships or situations that point to a limited faith in God's providence. God will provide what we need even if it is not all we might want.
Fear that is a normal part of our lives, day in and day out, keeps us from the quality of life that God desires for us. For me that is where the faith comes in that Jesus asked the disciples about. Invest in faith and you won't invest in fear. If you live knowing God's in charge of my eternal life and with me every step in this one, fear is minimized. Not eliminated mind you but minimized. So, keep the faith my friends.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Mark 5:2-4 And when he had come out of the boat, there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit, who lived among the tombs; and no one could bind him any more, evenwith a chain; for he had often been bound with fetters and chains, but the chains he wrenched apart, and the fetters he brokein pieces; and no one had the strength to subdue him.
Jesus was about the business of helping people who were bound. Freedom was his main objective. Take away the burdens, heal the disease, open channels with the excluded, all to remove things that keep us separated or walled away from one another. It is not exactly a problem that has gone away. We still see people in the world with a lot and people with a little and we fear being the ones with little. We see people who are dealing with illness and they are often still isolated from life either by the disease or their own emotional challenges because of the issues. Even the best of us have some trust issues that keep us from saying what we need to or being what we should. Unless we see our own demons we remain bound. Christ can and will set us free, either instantly in some cases or step by step in others. I have had moments that seemed like the instant variety only to discover that some step by steps were to follow. I've come to the conclusion that God is never done with this task in us, and I wait for the next steps in my path to perfect freedom.
Jesus was about the business of helping people who were bound. Freedom was his main objective. Take away the burdens, heal the disease, open channels with the excluded, all to remove things that keep us separated or walled away from one another. It is not exactly a problem that has gone away. We still see people in the world with a lot and people with a little and we fear being the ones with little. We see people who are dealing with illness and they are often still isolated from life either by the disease or their own emotional challenges because of the issues. Even the best of us have some trust issues that keep us from saying what we need to or being what we should. Unless we see our own demons we remain bound. Christ can and will set us free, either instantly in some cases or step by step in others. I have had moments that seemed like the instant variety only to discover that some step by steps were to follow. I've come to the conclusion that God is never done with this task in us, and I wait for the next steps in my path to perfect freedom.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Ephesians 5:1-2 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, afragrant offering and sacrifice to God.
When we have a eucharist service we often use the words from this passage as the offertory sentence. I have frequently stated that the offertory is not the collection although that is when the collection is taken up on Sunday. The offertory is the offering of Christ for us, it is the offering of the bread and wine to become the communion gifts for us, but perhaps more importantly it is the offering we make of ourselves to God. All of those things can take place without taking up a collection.
Henri Nouwen wrote about Eucharist that for instance the bread is offered, broken, blessed and given as the body of Christ. He says that in the same moment we are meant to be given, broken, blessed and given as the body of Christ. After we receive communion we are dispersed with a prayer where we asks Christ to be with us as we are sent into the world. The body of Christ once more available to do God's work.
I wonder what would happen if we really saw ourselves as the broken and blessed offering being handed out to the world?
When we have a eucharist service we often use the words from this passage as the offertory sentence. I have frequently stated that the offertory is not the collection although that is when the collection is taken up on Sunday. The offertory is the offering of Christ for us, it is the offering of the bread and wine to become the communion gifts for us, but perhaps more importantly it is the offering we make of ourselves to God. All of those things can take place without taking up a collection.
Henri Nouwen wrote about Eucharist that for instance the bread is offered, broken, blessed and given as the body of Christ. He says that in the same moment we are meant to be given, broken, blessed and given as the body of Christ. After we receive communion we are dispersed with a prayer where we asks Christ to be with us as we are sent into the world. The body of Christ once more available to do God's work.
I wonder what would happen if we really saw ourselves as the broken and blessed offering being handed out to the world?
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Good Soil
Mark 4:8-9 And other seeds fell into good soil and brought forth grain, growing up and increasing and yielding thirty fold and sixty fold and a hundred fold.” And he said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
How can we apply this parable? What if anything is our part in living out this parable? I know I need to be good soil. Good soil has been turned, it has been plowed, it is aerated. I need to let myself be worked by the spirit to become open to the seed of truth God wants planted in me. I know the seed is always going to be perfect, but I know at times I have not been in any condition to allow the seed to germinate and root itself. I think I stumbled along for a long time as one of those other options in the parable, but I did not bear fruit. I know the plow was also in God's hands, but in some way I had to allow the soil to be prepared, I needed to be a willing participant in God's hand. Any ability we have to bear fruit with our lives depends on being good soil accepting good seed. Jesus said that those who believe in Him will abide in Him and bear much fruit, fruit that will last. Are we bearing fruit? An important question.
How can we apply this parable? What if anything is our part in living out this parable? I know I need to be good soil. Good soil has been turned, it has been plowed, it is aerated. I need to let myself be worked by the spirit to become open to the seed of truth God wants planted in me. I know the seed is always going to be perfect, but I know at times I have not been in any condition to allow the seed to germinate and root itself. I think I stumbled along for a long time as one of those other options in the parable, but I did not bear fruit. I know the plow was also in God's hands, but in some way I had to allow the soil to be prepared, I needed to be a willing participant in God's hand. Any ability we have to bear fruit with our lives depends on being good soil accepting good seed. Jesus said that those who believe in Him will abide in Him and bear much fruit, fruit that will last. Are we bearing fruit? An important question.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Blaspheme the Holy Spirit
Mark 3:28-30 “Truly, I say to you, all sins will be forgiven the sons of men, and whatever blasphemies they utter; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— for they had said, “He has anunclean spirit.”
The pharisees had said that it was by Satan that Jesus cast out demons. That was at least one way to deny the work of the Holy Spirit. I've always heard people concerned about the possibility that they had blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I've always felt uncomfortable giving a definite answer. Some have told me that if you had blasphemed you would not be concerned that you might have. I'm not sure that is a good answer but it is one I've heard often anyway.
What if we are in jeopardy when we declare that a healing or an answered prayer was caused by the god coincidence or the god human effort or good luck, when it was really the work of the Holy Spirit, is that denying the work of the Holy Spirit?
I love giving God credit for the blessings in my life. For a long time I've thought that directly or indirectly my whole life is a product of God's blessing. I wouldn't exist without God's blessing, but it is easy to think God owes us more. Maybe my discovering contentment wit the life given to me is just good luck but I'd rather thank God.
The pharisees had said that it was by Satan that Jesus cast out demons. That was at least one way to deny the work of the Holy Spirit. I've always heard people concerned about the possibility that they had blasphemed the Holy Spirit. I've always felt uncomfortable giving a definite answer. Some have told me that if you had blasphemed you would not be concerned that you might have. I'm not sure that is a good answer but it is one I've heard often anyway.
What if we are in jeopardy when we declare that a healing or an answered prayer was caused by the god coincidence or the god human effort or good luck, when it was really the work of the Holy Spirit, is that denying the work of the Holy Spirit?
I love giving God credit for the blessings in my life. For a long time I've thought that directly or indirectly my whole life is a product of God's blessing. I wouldn't exist without God's blessing, but it is easy to think God owes us more. Maybe my discovering contentment wit the life given to me is just good luck but I'd rather thank God.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Mark 3:13-15 And he went up on the mountain, and called to him those whom he desired; and they came to him. And he appointed twelve, to be with him, and to be sent out to preach and have authority to cast out demons.
The twelve were not the only ones chosen and sent, they were just the first. Jesus called them to be with Him and then to take His authority as they were sent to take his authority to others. We read in other places not only about the sending of the twelve but also about the sending of the seventy two. Later Paul was sent along with Barnabas from Antioch to perform the same function. This sending of people who have been with Jesus has continued for centuries. The Christian religion has spread throughout the world by the repeating of this process over and over again using millions of believers. One who is sent is called an apostle and it is what we claim to be when we repeat the Apostles Creed. We are proclaiming that we have been with Jesus, that we know who he is and we accept that we also have been chosen and sent.
Jesus set the pattern when he sent the first apostles two by two. When I met Marsha I had no clue who Jesus was other than his name and some of what I thought was his legend. Marsha and I discovered our faith together and came to know we were chosen and sent together as well. What a joy to share God's mission with the one you love.
You too are chosen and sent if you are a believer in Christ. That doesn't mean you have to go anywhere except back to your own life with a plan and a purpose. Lives around you are waiting to be transformed by Christ as you help others to see Him. Blessed be your journey even if you don't go anywhere.
The twelve were not the only ones chosen and sent, they were just the first. Jesus called them to be with Him and then to take His authority as they were sent to take his authority to others. We read in other places not only about the sending of the twelve but also about the sending of the seventy two. Later Paul was sent along with Barnabas from Antioch to perform the same function. This sending of people who have been with Jesus has continued for centuries. The Christian religion has spread throughout the world by the repeating of this process over and over again using millions of believers. One who is sent is called an apostle and it is what we claim to be when we repeat the Apostles Creed. We are proclaiming that we have been with Jesus, that we know who he is and we accept that we also have been chosen and sent.
Jesus set the pattern when he sent the first apostles two by two. When I met Marsha I had no clue who Jesus was other than his name and some of what I thought was his legend. Marsha and I discovered our faith together and came to know we were chosen and sent together as well. What a joy to share God's mission with the one you love.
You too are chosen and sent if you are a believer in Christ. That doesn't mean you have to go anywhere except back to your own life with a plan and a purpose. Lives around you are waiting to be transformed by Christ as you help others to see Him. Blessed be your journey even if you don't go anywhere.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Rules or What Rules?
John 4:27 Just then his disciples came. They marveled that he wastalking with a woman, but none said, “What do you wish?” or, “Why are you talking with her?”
Jesus was a rule breaker, some might say a law breaker. In Israel at the time of Jesus people were readily excluded from mainstream life. Leper's, women, foreigners, blind and lame, all stood outside and were more or less untouchables. Jesus would not accept the notion that his Father wanted people separated from one another in that way.
We need to make sure we don't play that same unacceptable game. Hating nationalities, religions, races, the rich, the poor, Democrats or Republicans, all would be rejected by Jesus. When will we learn that hate begets hate.
The real rule is quite simple, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”
Jesus was a rule breaker, some might say a law breaker. In Israel at the time of Jesus people were readily excluded from mainstream life. Leper's, women, foreigners, blind and lame, all stood outside and were more or less untouchables. Jesus would not accept the notion that his Father wanted people separated from one another in that way.
We need to make sure we don't play that same unacceptable game. Hating nationalities, religions, races, the rich, the poor, Democrats or Republicans, all would be rejected by Jesus. When will we learn that hate begets hate.
The real rule is quite simple, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets.”
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Blank Was Made For Man
Mark 2:27=28 “The sabbath was made for man, not man for the sabbath; so the Son of man is lord even of the sabbath.”
Jesus says it all in one sentence. You can fill in the blanks. ________ was made for man, not man for _________. Air, light, water, life, food, you pick what to use to fill in the blanks. Everything would have existed just fine without us, but God wanted us to have them. He then gave us the ability to use them, like iron and oil and coal and rubber and....... He also gave us the freedom to abuse them like air and water and other people and .........
I am often surprised by the way we never give God credit for what he gave us, while we jump at the chance to criticize him for what he doesn't prevent us from doing. We give Him no credit for the elements used to create a gun, but will dismiss His reality because he doesn't stop someone from using what we made from His gifts. I just go HUH? What's with that?
Why do we get so much backwards?
Is every blessing in my life to my credit?
Does every problem belong to God?
I don't know what you would say, but it might depend on how you fill in the blanks.
Jesus says it all in one sentence. You can fill in the blanks. ________ was made for man, not man for _________. Air, light, water, life, food, you pick what to use to fill in the blanks. Everything would have existed just fine without us, but God wanted us to have them. He then gave us the ability to use them, like iron and oil and coal and rubber and....... He also gave us the freedom to abuse them like air and water and other people and .........
I am often surprised by the way we never give God credit for what he gave us, while we jump at the chance to criticize him for what he doesn't prevent us from doing. We give Him no credit for the elements used to create a gun, but will dismiss His reality because he doesn't stop someone from using what we made from His gifts. I just go HUH? What's with that?
Why do we get so much backwards?
Is every blessing in my life to my credit?
Does every problem belong to God?
I don't know what you would say, but it might depend on how you fill in the blanks.
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