Friday, February 5, 2010


A year ago as Marsha's breathing was getting worse and we still had no diagnosis, the doctors said the next option was an operation called a thorocentesis. This operation would drain the fluid from her lung area again and it was explained that they would place a talc in the area between the lung and chest wall. This talc would cause an irritation that was intended to bond the lung to the chest wall so it could not refill with fluid again. It was made to sound simple and routine not much different than the bronchoscopy but with the ability also to directly investigate the area where the fluid was collecting. At the time we did not have a schedule but it was expected within the next two days. Neither Marsha or I had any idea the severity of this operation. It seemed like a no brainer. Marsha was calm and as we talked she did not have any apparent misgivings or fears about the plan. Once again she was surprisingly strong and peaceful. Everything was discussed in the language of faith starting from Marsha not imposed by me. Although she was taking limited pain relievers at this point she was not taking anything to keep her calm. She was amazing in the emotional and spiritual strength she was showing. Impressive in every way to all who came to visit or care for her. I was happy that something offered hope of a solution, because at that time I wanted Marsha home and able to breathe. I did not see how that would be able to happen without some breakthrough. I don't like the idea of surgery although I've had a couple, one major one. Pain and healing are never easy but as I said this procedure was made to seem minor. I went home that night anxious but hopeful, a minor up on the fast moving rollercoaster.

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