Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Another Day

I think on this day last year Marsha was moved back to a normal room and it was being suggested that it was close to at least taking out one of the two chest tubes that were continuing to drain the fluid. I felt somewhat better having her back in a regular room, and I know that Marsha felt better. We still did not have the pathology report and were hooked into the waiting game. I kept at making sure the house would be in shape if Marsha got out of the hospital. Laundry, cleaning and keeping the house in order were now on my plate along with the hospital hours. In a way it helped because it filled the time I was not at the hospital. Dave & Pat along with Roy & Marie were frequent visitors and support. It is a real blessing to have friends in time of difficulty. Marsha and I always said that at times people just need God with skin on and these believers were indeed that for us. Throughout this time I was on the phone almost every other day with my friend Paul in Massachusetts. He kept me focused and open. I truly appreciated his constant support. I was on Facebook about this time and I used it to let others know what was going on without constant telephone calls. I would tell Marsha about all the people who cared about her and like myself she was sometimes overwhelmed by the level of care and concern. You might think that waiting would be kind of neutral in my rollercoaster metaphor, but it really felt like a down. Slowly sinking perhaps but a sinking feeling anyway.

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