Saturday, February 6, 2010

Family Support

During much of this time when Marsha was hospitalized I had support of my family. It is a bit cloudy who was here when. I know at this early stage Merrie and Bekah were part of my constant cast of characters. Merrie is the emotional soft heart that is an open book of compassion, while Bekah was always full of questions and seeking both from her contact with doctors and nurses and through searching the internet working to have all the facts. I'm not saying that Merrie wasn't trying to understand just not like Bekah or that Bekah wasn't compassionate, just not like Merrie. It was good for Marsha to have them around and good for me as well. Laura came for her spring break but I'm sure that was a little later in the course of events so her input was through the telephone. I was on the phone with family and friends in Massachusetts as well, and the deep concern was also helpful. I found this day to be another waiting game with the surgery scheduled for tomorrow. I was starting to feel tired about this time. I was sleeping but perhaps not as soundly as usual. It felt like my body was breaking down a little. It is a truth that hospitals are exhausting for everyone not just the patient. Difficult because my mind wants answers. Maybe tomorrow my mind kept saying.

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