Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Signs or Miracles

John 6:16-21 When evening camehis disciples went down to the sea, got into a boatand started across the sea to Caperna-umIt was now darkand Jesus had not yet come to themThe sea rose because a strong wind was blowingWhen they had rowed about three or four milesthey saw Jesus walking on the sea and drawing near to the boatThey were frightenedbut he said to themIt is Ido not be afraid.” Then they were glad to take him into the boatand immediately the boat was at the land to which they were going.

Many things that Jesus did to show who he was were in the area I would call signs. The signs might not be easily explainable or normally seen, but they fall into a certain type of experience. Healings occur in the national order of things, although Jesus had huge success with physical healing. Many times he just kept healing everyone who came. Casting out demons fits into a similar package. Those acts may be extraordinary but they are still signs.

Miracles on the other hand overcome the laws of the natural order. Changing water into wine is a physical change that defies the rules of physics. Walking on stormy water is also an accomplishment that defies the laws of physics. Feeding five thousand with a few loaves is creating matter from nothing and also defies the laws of physics. That is what makes a miracle more than just a sign. They may be extraordinary but they also overcome the laws of the natural order. Miracles seem harder to me than signs.

I find it hard to understand how people who have no real clue how the whole universe came into being other than some wild scientific speculation (not easy to fill God's shoes), can doubt that the God who did all that would have trouble with a virgin birth, or walking on water. Those seem so much less difficult, you know what I'm saying. How hard can it be to create one special child, when you warmed up creating the Milky Way.

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