Thursday, April 14, 2011

He Wants Action

John 10:31-33 The Jews took up stones again to stone himJesus replied,I have shown you many good works from the FatherFor which of these are you going to stone me?” The Jews answered, “It is not for a good work that we are going to stone youbut for blasphemybecause youthough only a human beingare making yourself God.” 

In this passage Jesus earlier told the questioners that he showed that he was the Christ by his actions. I think this is the source of the common phrase "Actions speak louder than words." Jesus clearly believed that the works he was performing showed his identity to everyone. Some recognized him and others denied him, but everyone saw his actions. Some wanted to throw stones others wanted to crown him king, but none really understood that he was the lamb of god that will take away the sins of the world. We must not however forget that he did teach about what he was doing and who he did it for. 

Our lives are meant to be the same. Our actions will speak louder than words, but like Jesus only if our words and actions agree. We need to name what we do and why we do it , and who we do it for. You see if Jesu just acted they would never have known he was the Son of God serving God the Father. They would have simple thought Jesus was spectacular. Our actions are meant to speak louder than our words but that implies that our words have volume just a lower volume. My I speak with my entire being.

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