Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Shepherd

John 10:7-9 So Jesus said to themTrulytrulyI say to youI am the door of the sheepAll who came before me are thieves and robbersbut the sheep did not heed themI am the doorif anyone enters by mehe will be savedand will go in and out and find pasture.

People often called my congregations, my flock. In fact I think that has become a kind of common idea in the church. They speak as though I am the shepherd of the flock, but all except the one true shepherd are imposters, if they pretend to be the shepherd. I loved being the rector of a church and I know God used me to help people, but I never forgot that only God had the real power to save and change peoples lives. He would have let me take the credit if I made that choice, but it would have made me a fraud.

I had lived a good many years wandering without the shepherd. I think others would have seen me as moderately successful during those years. They might even have thought the grass was greener in my pasture than in theirs. You know a lost sheep doesn't really think it's lost, it is just wandering around nibbling at whatever it finds. It may and often is in grave danger as an isolated sheep without protection, but the sheep is unaware of the difficulty. Until I was found by the shepherd or I opened my eyes and found the shepherd, I was like that. I didn't understand that I was missing out on so much in life until the shepherd showed me really green pastures. Thank God for the good shepherd I've found my way.

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