Friday, November 27, 2009

Too Much Excitement

This is what I think of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. It must have been just too much excitement for these old bones. It's a good thing the joy doesn't come from the activities because we all love different things don't we? I can appreciate the love of theatre that exists in this branch of my family, and I even enjoy theatre, but they approach it like I approach football or golf, maybe even just a little lower than I approach God. No the joy doesn't come from the activities it comes from the community. It comes from sharing life with people and even more joy is possible when they are people you really love. I had that experience in Maine this summer and am enjoying that experience here in Georgia over these few days.
When I wrote about the Thanksgiving traditions I left one out. It was going around the table and sharing something we our thankful for this year. It was moving in many ways because the sharing included that step into the future of being thankful for new additions to the circle, but mine was about a subtraction from the circle. I said that although I miss Marsha daily I am thankful because it has helped me to focus on all the wonderful things we had done together. I remember her and almost see her better today than when she was beside me every day. I don't think I'm idealizing her, because I can just as easily remember the ways we were oil and water to each other, and her stubbornness (not mine of course), and even some of that makes me smile in hind sight. I'm also grateful that my four grandchildren got to really know Marsha, and love her as I do. I am thankful that I am one lucky Bumpa to have my adult children and my adult and almost adult grandchildren. The picture with me and the girls expresses as well as anything how lucky I am. God is good all the time, and some times we even see it.

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