Tuesday, November 24, 2009


I looked in my photo album for a turkey for Thanksgiving but the closest thing I had was a picture of Becky & Amanda who I called big turkey & little turkey. They have nothing to do with Thanksgiving other than I give thanks that I have known them. It is the time of the year that we are supposed to think about all those things we are thankful for. This year has been a very different year for me. It was a year of loss and of sadness and it would be easy to focus on those things. I choose to look at what I can be and am thankful for today. I am thankful because, although I think I always had a good relationship with my children and grandchildren, I actually think it is better now. We have placed a greater value on our family relationships now that Marsha is not with us. I think we took things for granted before and have learned that is not good. I am thankful that I have a beautiful home which Marsha put together and which is a constant and wonderful reminder of her talents and her love for me. I am thankful for God continuing to have a purpose for my life in serving him. I am thankful for friends all over the place but especially the support of Pat & Dave who keep me on track. I'm thankful for my church and the way they have lived the saying "church family" with me. I could name still others given time. So in this different and challenging year it is still time to recognize the goodness all around me and the blessings that fill my life. Happy Thanksgiving Everyone, especially to you big turkey and little turkey, it still makes me smile!!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww... Uncle Dana, I am very thankful for you! You have given me a great deal of confidence, guidance, and support along my journey as a Christian. You've helped me through some questioning and some jams! (Remember when I got my mom's car stuck on a tree stump and you had to come drive it for me?!?)
    I am a better person and better Christian because you are a part of my life! I might be your little turkey, but you are a big influence and I am very glad you've allowed me to call you "uncle" all these years!!
    I love you and am very thankful for you!!
