Sunday, November 1, 2009

Health and Wholeness

My son Dana said he was proud of me for doing with him the things I did this summer. He was happy that at my age I would hike and climb and experience things that he thought most men my age would refuse to do. When I retired in the summer of 08 those same activities would have killed me. I was overweight and out of shape although I do have to admit that round is a shape, and I was definitely round. I went from an inactive profession to active hobbies and exercise programs. I walked and I lifted and I golfed and I set one rule for eating. I live by the one plate rule. I don't avoid any food but I eat only one plate and I try to keep that a reasonable size. All this to take care of this physical body that God has given me. I do think that is only half the battle, if battle is the right word. I think wholeness includes are emotional and spiritual health as well. Doctors and checkups and healthy lifestyles can take care of my body, but peace and joy and other rewards of emotional and spiritual health are of equal importance. Our bodies reflect our physical condition but also our emotional and spiritual condition. Our blood pressure and sleep habits for example. I am having a scheduled test Tuesday to check on my continuing physical health, but I'm not confused trying to preserve some false identity. acting as if I can secure my own future by over emphasis on a health body. Wholeness always includes knowing that we are incomplete without spiritual health as well. I am a child of God, I love God and God loves me. I try to spend my life in unity with God's purpose for me. In this rests whatever wholeness I have.

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