Monday, November 30, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Does anyone really believe that practice makes perfect? I have done a lot of things in my life over and over again and with some of them I have even improved. I would have to say however that perfection escapes me. I picked the picture of a golf outing because nothing disproves that often turned phrase about practice than golf. Every step forward is always met with at least one step back and sometimes more. I have spent some recent days hitting extra golf balls on a driving range trying to practice and improve my golf swing and it made me think about practice. I must admit I have had some success but not perfection. When I was young I practiced basketball enough that I did have consistent success with that. Why is it that we try so hard to better ourselves at trivial things but lack motivation to practice significant things? Why not practice forgiveness? Maybe we wouldn't need so many tranquilizers or blood pressure medications. Why not practice gratitude? Maybe we could cut in half the number of people on anti-depressants. Why not practice patience? Imagine the world if we all were truly patient with one another. How about unconditional love, or not judging one another, or compliments. Imagine a world where we really tried to get better at some important things that would change the world. I wish that practice would make my golf game perfect, but I really wish that I was practicing the important things as much as I practice my golf. How about you?

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