Wednesday, October 28, 2009


This weekend we celebrate All Saints Day. It has taken on special meaning this year for sure. The picture is of my personal saint who was with me for forty seven years and married to me for forty five. I've said many times that I am a Christian because of three people.
I read a small meditation from Forward Day by Day and it recorded a conversation been Phillips Brooks and Christianity Today magazine. The reporter had asked him why he was a Christian expecting a deep theological answer from this profound preacher and theologian. He thought for a moment and said, "I think it was my aunt in Teaneck New Jersey." He was saying that he was influenced to become a Christian by this aunt. He was saying that almost everyone who is a Christian is one because of contact with another Christian. Thinking about how I became a Christian led me to three people one of them my Marsha. To me Marsha will always be a saint. I don't want to be presumptive of the role that only belongs to God, but I can't imagine that God was not well pleased with her. She lived a life that was so other centered that it was obvious to those around her. She loved children and they loved her. She helped the poor in every way she could, was open to love everyone who needed it. Her students loved her, my parishioners loved her, her family loved her and she brought love to them from the God who loved her. If a saint is someone whose life it is worthy for us to emulate than I'm confident Marsha is one of them. Happy All Saints Day my love.

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