Saturday, October 3, 2009


Power and control seem to be common human issues. We want to be in control and feel vulnerable when we find life out of control. We also seem to want to be in control of more than our own lives. Bosses often use power tactics because they feel threatened when they think they are not in control. Jesus represented a completely different way of operating. Who could possibly have more power than God himself, and yet God did not choose to control us but rather to attract us. The Christian Marsha that formed after her own Cursillo understood that control was not the answer. When Marsha was rectora of a Cursillo she called that attraction the power of gentleness. She chose that because after she came to understand the Christ in her, the gentle loving presence of her Lord. She came to epitomize that power of gentleness. She was so attractive to others because they sensed the depth of her love and the gentleness of her life. Gentleness to her was a deep respect for the personhood of others. She was strong about what was right and wrong, but gentle with the individuals even when she needed to confront bad choices. I learned so much from her about living a God centered life. Beauty that has the greatest lasting effect always comes from within, and a gentle spirit is always plays big part.

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