Saturday, October 10, 2009

Fear or Trust?

This picture comes from Quebec. My daughter was at this walking bridge over the falls during her vacation this summer. My daughter like my wife is terrified of height. Our friends Dave & Pat were with me as we approached Charleston with Marsha in the van front seat. We hit the Cooper bridge and Dave started laughing at Marsha's reaction. He thought she was joking because her fear was so exaggerated. I think we all have some irrational fears. When I was a kid I passed out at the sight of a needle. Scripture says that there is no fear in Christ. What is interesting is that Marsha would drive across difficult bridges when she knew they were there. One time with my grandson Forrest in the van she crossed several high bridges. She would tell him to be quiet and she would sing Jesus Jesus Jesus there is something about that Name. At one point, as Forrest tells the story, he was sleeping when he heard Marsha singing those lyrics and he knew they had come to another bridge. When she was able to put her focus on Christ she was able to do amazing things. Even during her illness she relied on Christ and faced her cancer with calm and peace and a deep faith. I wonder why we can so often find the strength we need in the difficult times and forget it is available in the small challenges or the normal days. Trust God and we will not falter.

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