Saturday, August 20, 2011

Powerless People

Mark 12:38-40  And in his teaching he saidBeware of the scribeswho like to go about in long robesand to have salutations in the market places and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feastswho devour widows’ houses and for a pretense make long prayersThey will receive the greater condemnation.”

Warren Buffet, the second richest American, recently said that the rich should pay higher taxes. It matters not what you think of his idea for this discussion. The most important part of his disclosure was that he paid an average of only 17% tax rate on his income while middle and upper middle class Americans pay an average tax rate higher than that. I think Jesus talking about devouring widow's houses is speaking to a similar issue in his day. The rich and powerful had extra that they could use to cheaply buy the resources of the poor and powerless. The wealthy can hide income in tax free funds that provide tax credits instead of tax responsibility. The poor and middle class have trouble paying their bills.

Jesus warns his listeners to beware of those who dress in finery because they will manipulate the system for their own gain. This a response to his understanding of human nature. Those who have the power and resources will do all they can to assure they stay in that privileged position.

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