Sunday, August 21, 2011

Guard Yourself

Mark 13:1-4  And as he came out of the templeone of his disciples said to him, “LookTeacherwhat wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” And Jesus said to himDo you see these great buildingsThere will not be left here one stone upon anotherthat will not be thrown down.”
And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the templePeter and James and John and Andrew asked him privatelyTell uswhen will this beand what will be the sign when these things are all to be accomplished?”

Throughout this section as Jesus answers these questions from the disciples, the response goes far beyond the simple physical destruction of Herod's temple which was the Romans accomplished in 70 AD. Jesus speaks of the time when all will be accomplished. Sitting here in the midst of history we tend to think that everything was accomplished by Jesus death on the cross and his resurrection. Jesus however points to a time yet to come when these things (plural) all will be accomplished. 

I'm not a focus on the second coming person. I live in the moment most of the time, and try to keep my focus on Jesus there in the present moment. At the ascension the angels affirmed that Jesus would return and I believe that a day is coming when he will return and perhaps all will be accomplished on that day or begin to be accomplished on that day. It's not my concern to know, it is just my concern to be ready. Even now I hear people with their focus on the signs that Jesus may return soon in bodily form, but it is more important to be ready by knowing that he is here now by his Holy Spirit. I'm not waiting for Him, he's already here, I am expecting at some point that he will come to accomplish all things, but I affirm that truth without setting any focus upon waiting for it. I stand guard against distracted less the thief in the night steel my treasure, and that treasure is that Jesus is mine in the moment, the greatest treasure of all.

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