Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Peter Peter Why?

Mark 14:70-72  And after a little while again the bystanders said to Peter, “Certainly you are one of themfor you are a Galilean.” But he began to invoke a curse on himself and to swear, “I do not know this man of whom you speak.” And immediately the cock crowed a second time.

You've heard the statements before. "I swear on my babies life." I swear on my mother's grave." or some other words of the same nature followed by a lie. This is an example of a curse coming before a lie. Peter's denial was a similar curse before a lie. Fear is a powerful motivator and although Peter wanted to follow and see what happened to his teacher and friend, he was also petrified at what might happen to Peter himself. Maybe he thought he could be invisible in the background of the drama as it unfolded, but when it was clear he could be involved he panicked and repeatedly denied Jesus.

One of the most telling part of this account is that even with Peter being one of the most revered members of the first century church, they included this description of his behavior. So many parts of the scripture point to the honesty of the writers, and this is just one of many examples. Why would a hero of the church be shown in this light if the authors were not being faithful to the actual events.

The last focus for me falls into this same category, but with another twist. The story ends with Peter breaking down and weeping. Again not a particular aspect of the situation that Peter would make up. You see the story is in the scripture because Peter told the story, not that others were there to know the story and write about it. Peter was sorry that he denied the Lord, and he wept. True sorrow for our sins heals the scars that go with them. 

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