Monday, January 25, 2010


How do you know what you should do in confusing or frustrating circumstances? In some situations it seems easy to use reason and intelligence to solve a dilemma, but at other times nothing seems to make sense. How do you test your thinking? What if you make a wrong choice or start down a wrong path? How will you know? I'm back in this situation again myself. I have been questioning what God wants me to do now. Retirement with Marsha was a shared goal and we were working out a common path and finding expressions of God's purpose for both of us in our life here. Without Marsha my arenas really are limitless. Nothing holds me to this place permanently. If God needs me elsewhere I'm available, but in this circumstance like so many others testing is required. It probably seemed to some like I have made sudden and impulsive choices in my life. On the inside of some of those same situations I can say the progress was agonizingly slow. For Marsha and I big moves were made with baby steps, although when we were clear that God was showing the way we responded quickly. For example we put a binder on property in Myrtle Beach at the end of a five day stay. Some would say impulsive. They couldn't see the trips we made to various locations praying about where we might retire. The couldn't see the hours on the internet looking at locations we did not visit. All they see is the sudden choice of Myrtle Beach. When we made that choice it was with absolute certainty that it was God's choice and that has been affirmed again and again. For me scripture, prayer and close valued Christians are vital to those decisions, and making small steps and feeling God's response to intermediate steps. My problem is Marsha and I were the valued Christian counsel for each other and now she is gone. Part of my testing mechanism is missing. Test I must, but the progress will be along a slightly altered path. How do you know God's plan for you? How do you test his purpose? Test we must you know because his plan and purpose is where we find our true life.

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