Sunday, January 10, 2010


You remember my quest of last summer to seek a sighting of the fictitious Maine moose. Everyone said that it was impossible to go where we went the number of times we went at the times we went without seeing a moose. Well with great disappointment and some good natured humor I never have seen a moose. Part of life is just the up and downs of living. Elation here depression there, success here and disappointment there. It also is true that at times our disappointments are the opposite for others. Today my New England Patriots played a poor game. They lost the game in the trenches in the first quarter. Well My disappointment is a gift for my friend Chip. he's from Indiana and we just beat his Colts so many times that he hates my poor team. I've been lucky enough that disappointment has been limited to inconsequential events like the ones mentioned. I felt grief and sorrow over Marsha's death but I could not be disappointed at the grace and faith and peace that were present in Marsha during her final days. You see for me like Marsha the only truly significant disappointment would be my being a disappointment to my Lord. It would be my wasting the love and grace Christ so richly pours out on me. I guess with great reluctance I can withstand the disappointment of my Patriot's loss. It will be tough but I think you can cancel the suicide watch, I'll be all right.

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