Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year

Time is one of those unstoppable realities. We break it up with man made units like weeks and months because they somehow help us organize our lives better, but the real units all have to do with the makeup of our creation. The revolution of the earth around our sun and the rotation of the earth on its axis create the only true units of time. In our human lives it is probably just as relevant to break up time by the events of our lives. Birthdays would be one obvious example. With young people, school years or changing schools might be events that have significance. As adults it might be getting jobs or getting married or having children or grandchildren. Death of parents or grandparents or other family members is always of great consequence. We start a new calendar year, but what significant changes mark this change of time for you. As you start 2010 what will make your life different or be something to make you mark this moment.
Last night I went to a wonderful gathering of some members of my Myrtle Beach church family. I was home in bed by about 10:30 PM. I didn't need midnight on New Years to mark the changes in my life. In the recent past, I retired, lost my wife Marsha to cancer, and I'm adapting to living alone. Those are the changes that mark my time and point to the future as well. The change of 2009-2010 or the change of decades are pretty meaningless to me. What would best mark time for you? How is it an ending? What might be a beginning? Happy New Year may your time be marked with noteworthy blessings!!

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