Saturday, March 17, 2012

Pleasant Provision

I have walked on the beach quite a few times this winter. Golf is exercise, but it is riding in a cart and works the legs, arms and shoulders, but not the heart. My beach walks are the place for getting the heart pumping and enjoying the ocean. Today was the first of the year for sun bathing as well. I love my gravity chair and my ipod. I think I embarrass myself a little as I sing quietly with my earphones in and my Christian music blaring in my ears. Reclining in the warmth of the sun is just so soothing. I come home from the beach and I can still feel the warmth. From now on the beach will continue to increase it's pleasure for me. Soaking up the sun, walking the beach, floating in the ocean will just add to the magnetic effect of the beach. The gate to the south end of the park has been gated closed all winter, but was open today, so I went to the place where I released Marsha's ashes. I leaned back in my reclining beach chair hit play on my ipod and the song was Amy Grant singing "I'll Remember You". God must have known where my heart was, I don't think I've heard that song in a year.

I think that sums up the way Jesus wraps me in his warmth as I relax in the sun's warmth. The physical becomes an opening for the spiritual again and again.

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