Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Far, Let's Go Far

In a video at the diocesan convention last Saturday, I was reminded of a saying I had heard before, but which has stayed with me in a new way the last few days. The saying was in a video from Uganda and the saying was, "If you want to go fast go alone, but if you want to go far go together." As I reflect on my life I realize I have rarely gone alone and I have gone far. I think some others have gone far with me as well. An exciting life I think is always shared. I have been alone for some amazing sights and experiences, but they are most exciting when someone is there to share them. I find in my nature and perhaps human nature that we want to go far and we really want to go together. Events in my life made me choose to go alone. Trust in certain situations became difficult and keeping myself safe became more important than that need to go together. Jesus made me able to trust again and go far with not just the company of others, but the mutual help of many others.

We all carry scars from life that can reduce the quality of our lives, but we are not meant to go alone even if life can be fast and furious.  I have invested a lot of my life serving Jesus and helping Him create safe communities, places of healing. Life continues to provide people to share my journey, some have been beside me a long time, while other sGod has provided very recently. Some have been with me for serious life events and others only connected to recreation or fellowship.  We deserve to go far, but that means not alone. So Let's go far, Let's go together.

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