Monday, July 25, 2011

Trapped, Not Really

Mark 6:25-26  And she came in immediately with haste to the kingand askedsaying, “I want you to give me at once the head of John the Baptist on a platter.” And the king was exceedingly sorrybut because of his oaths and his guests he did not want to break his word to her.

Feeling trapped is no fun. I'm a person who usually sees a thousand options in every situation, but on rare occasions I have felt trapped. It is like the circumstances have boxed you in, but it most often a product of your own choices. Have you ever heard someone say I swear, as an oath like Herod when you are virtually certain that it is not true, or like Herod where you expect the actions to follow the words. I'm certain none of us would feel trapped like Herod and make his choice, but we act as if we are trapped when we really have a number of choices. 

Feeling embarrassed in front of friends and family seems so often to feel like the biggest trap. Why do the people we love the most and should trust the most to overlook our mistakes make us feel the most trapped. God gave us free will. We are never trapped, not really.

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