Wednesday, July 20, 2011

A Stormy Life

Mark 4: 37- 40 And a great storm of wind aroseand the waves beat into the boatso that the boat was already fillingBut he was in the sternasleep on the cushionand they woke him and said to him, “Teacherdo you not care if we perish?” And he awoke and rebuked the windand said to the seaPeaceBe still!” And the wind ceasedand there was a great calmHe said to themWhy are you afraidHave you no faith?” 

Lack of faith seems like an impossibility to me if I was in a boat with Jesus. How could these disciples possibly have any fear what so ever with the Lord of Lords reclining in the boat. The evidence of His power was all around them as they moved through towns and villages watching people be healed and the dead being raised. They were there when the multitudes were fed, and they heard the words of the greatest teacher of all time. How could they lack faith? What chance do I have if they lacked faith?

I've faced many a stormy sea in my boat. I don't mean a literal boat of course although I have faced stormy seas in some of those too. The figurative boat is my life and the sea is my surroundings. Many storms have come up through the years, some of my own making and others through those around me. At times I felt like sinking was close at hand and unavoidable and fear was often a reality. I can understand those disciples because I have been there done that. You see I didn't realize for many years who was in the boat with me. I thought I was alone and without resources.

Those disciples at least had a little excuse. They had not yet witnessed the resurrection. They saw his power yes but had not seen his victory over death. At this point they had not been filled with the Holy Spirit. The gift of Pentecost that fills each member of the church to this day was not yet available to them. They had more limits on their understanding of Jesus than we can claim. If we lack faith it is because we don't believe or don't accept the fullness of who is with us in the boat.

As I have come to know Jesus more and trust Him more I recognize that He is in the boat with me and nothing bad can happen. Oh I could die, but death has no dominion over me a child of God. I could get sick, but although my body might fail for awhile my soul remains healthy in His hands. I might lack money or comfort and suffer hardship but this too is only temporary and is God's way of seeing how well others understand what he requires of them in relation to those in need. he will carry me in poverty even though I should never be poor.

Jesus is always there to rise in me and say again and again, "Peace! Be still!" I am no longer subject to the storms because Jesus is in the boat. Praise be to Him!!

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