Friday, July 29, 2011

Quiet Please

Mark 7:36-37  And he charged them to tell no onebut the more he charged themthe more zealously they proclaimed itAnd they were astonished beyond measuresaying, “He has done all things wellhe even makes the deaf hear and the dumb speak.”

In a modern world where it seems an impossible task for people to tell someone else what God has done for them, it seems funny that Jesus wants people to keep quiet. It is even more humorous in a modern context to think that they kept telling everyone they knew. Why did they do the exact opposite of what Jesus desired in that moment and why do we do exactly the opposite of what Jesus wanted in this era. You see Jesus said that we are to make disciples of all nations and to teach them all that he taught us.

As a priest I'm put in many situations where speaking of Jesus is expected and is normal and natural. I need to go back to those early days of my Christian life even before I felt called to be a priest to examine my own behavior in talking about Jesus. I like to think that I was very expressive of my faith, and I do have some examples that would fit that description but I'm not sure I was as effective as jesus would like. At this point I can easily hide in my profession, but even that is mostly vocal with people already in the church.

The question still remains. Why do the opposite of what Jesus desires?

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