Tuesday, July 26, 2011

How Much Is Enough

Mark 6:30-31   The apostles returned to Jesusand told him all that they had done and taughtAnd he said to themCome away by yourselves to a lonely placeand rest a while.” For many were coming and goingand they had no leisure even to eat.

We have this modern American notion that life is supposed to be easy. Rest and relaxation are an expectation even if they are not a reality. Even those who work very hard have some time for rest and relaxation if they want to take it. We can't imagine a life that has no leisure even to eat. Remember they left without food, lodging, money or anything else and they returned after walking from place to place and serving the Lord. 

The other extreme is having all the time in the world with no place to live, nothing to wear and nothing to eat. I wonder if Jesus would look at us like spoiled children who have everything they can imagine and yet are not satisfied. Even Jesus himself lived a nomadic dependent life. No job, no home, no bank account or retirement plan, at least here on earth. It is clear from the gospel that Jesus did not want the apostles to go without rest. I'm not suggesting that rest is not necessary, but rather that we escalate our need for rest and comfort far beyond what Jesus would say we need. 

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