Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Blessed To See

Luke 10:23-24  Then turning to the disciples he said privatelyBlessed are the eyes which see what you seeFor I tell you that many prophets and kings desired to see what you seeand did not see itand to hear what you hearand did not hear it.”

Blessed are we when we see God. I think people all look at the same things. We look at creation and we see beauty in different things. I live in South Carolina now and continue to love the ocean and the beach. I was saying last night when my son was talking about the specialness of the first snow, that for me it is the first odd day in January or February when it is still winter but for one day it is warm and I go to the beach in my bathing suit and lay out in the sun. We view beauty differently looking at the same world. I think we look at ourselves and other people and we see things differently as well. I know people who don't trust anyone and people who trust everyone. They view people very differently indeed. I think we view God differently, some can't see God in anything while others see God in everything. I think we all look for things that will give our lives enjoyment, meaning, and purpose and we see those intangibles in different things. Jesus states in this gospel that many powerful and intelligent folks looked for what the disciples see and did not see it. I have a wooden sign on my counter at home which many of you have probably seen in one place or another. The sign says Jesus but the word is in light color and the background dark. Because we are used to reading dark letters on a light background people can look and look and not see the word. Once however you have seen it, you will always see the word in the future. For me that is what I experienced in really seeing God clearly for the first time. It was not with my physical eye but with a more important spiritual one that I first saw who Jesus is. Indeed my life has been blessed to have seen it, I was looking and looking for something to make sense of everything else I see, and finally I saw it. I'm a lucky guy who caught a glimpse of the right thing, still luckier that Marsha saw it too. Blessed beyond measure that the clarity of the view has gotten better and better through the years as God works at making my spiritual eyes 20/20. I pray you too will be blessed to see.

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