Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Pray For Me

John 17:20-21 I ask not only on behalf of thesebut also on behalf of those who will believe in me through their wordthat they may all beoneAs youFatherare in me and I am in youmay they also be in usso that the world may believe that you have sent me.

I don't know about you but I have always lived with some basic assumptions. I know the old saying about assumptions, but in fact we have to operate with some assumptions in order to live at all. One of mine is that if Jesus prayed it would be answered. I also have taken great comfort from knowing that people are praying for me. I love to be prayed for. In one of my parishes I had a group of twenty intercessors who prayed for each person in their assigned group by name every day. Each intercessor was paired with a partner although they prayed independently and prayed for twenty families each, but they all prayed for me. I also had a faithful friend that prayed for me every day at the same place on his way to work. I just love knowing that people are praying for me.

Imagine the pleasure I felt and continue t feel when some years ago I realized that Jesus prayed for me. In this passage he prays for the disciples and all those who will believe because of them. I realized I'm one of those who have believed because of them. I don't know if you can imagine how that made me feel when it hit me the first time. 

So you see I knew I could be in the Father and in Jesus the same way they were in each other (like Father and Son). Just because I could be in them does not force me to be in them however. That still needs to be our choice.

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