Friday, April 30, 2010

Too Much Sun

I had a wonderful morning of golf followed by a great afternoon at the beach. The sun was so warm, the breeze gentle, the water warm, the floating peaceful, what more could I ask for. I love the sun although I am supposed to be careful about my exposure. I already have a very good tan so I wasn't particularly worried about my afternoon. As I sit here the effects of the sun are becoming clearer, as I turn red. I have a sunburn on top of my tan. I got too much sun. I know that at least by Sunday the sunburn will fade to darkened tan and today will be a memory, but right now it makes me tired.
At times I have spent days in the light of the Son. The warmth was even more intense than a day at the beach. Usually those moments are far more peaceful than even my time floating in the gentle movement of the swells. Although the beach had a marvelous gentle breeze that made everything very comfortable, when I am with the Son the wind of the Spirit is so creative and inspiring that it helps me feel even closer to God. You see I can't imagine too much Son. Impossible to get too much Son. You see it's never cloudy when you want the Son. It's never too cold for that kind of exposure. Nope just always there always present. Too much Son, bring it on I can take it.

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