Sunday, December 20, 2009


I've always said that I could fall asleep any time any place. I close my eyes intentionally change my breathing and I'm gone. I can nap for ten minutes if I want and be totally refreshed, or I can settle for a night and sleep eleven hours without rolling over if I want. I know people who have trouble sleeping and I can't understand it. Even when I worked I could always find ways to rest. As a teacher if I finished my work and had ten minutes left to my free period I'd close my eyes and sleep until the bell. As a priest I might be in my office and just put my head down and nap for ten minutes or recline my car seat in a parking lot and take a nap. I've also found that some of my best work is done while sleeping. I wake up with an idea that I know was given me during my sleep. Sermons are often composed during my sleep and I'm fortunate that I can remember them when I wake. At church today someone didn't want to shake my hand because they were sick. I said it didn't matter because I rarely get sick. I was playing golf this past week in the cold and rain and people said I should be careful not to get sick. I think rest is at the heart of good health. I know our body has the ability to heal itself when we rest. Jesus says, " Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest." It works for me. The ball game is going to be over pretty soon, then I think I'll take a short nap.

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