Sunday, December 6, 2009


A quiz book we were using this summer with unusual factoids said that an adult dragonfly only lived for 24 hours. This is not accurate but a dragonfly adult life is very short, like a couple of weeks if they are not terminated early. Maybe the book was speaking of an average adult because so many die prematurely, I don't know. The point is they live long enough to accomplish their purpose. Between what they eat and what they feed, they fill their niche in whatever time they have. We look at a lifetime in funny ways. I get a kick out of young people thinking I'm so old. I can remember thinking that about adults when I was a kid. It is even funnier when they react to the fact that my mother is still alive and active. 89 years old is beyond them. We too however have an expiration date. Our life cycle has a limited time. Averages might change as nutrition, environment and medicine effect our survival, but it doesn't make our body immortal. Unlike many of our biological companions on this earth, we seem to have a variety of niches to fill and a complicated roles and functions. Our problem at times is we think everyone else should be like us. In the big picture I think we all have one purpose, to glorify God, but individually our paths have variety and uniqueness. Be yourself, live the life God gave you, fill your niche, find your purpose. Your more than a dragonfly and yet you too have a finite moment in time.

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