Monday, December 7, 2009


The picture I used today is a repeat of Marsha with two of her former students. Yesterday I received a request to accept a new friend. The person noted that Marsha and I had an effect on her family some years back at Camp Dennen. After I accepted her as a friend she asked me to let Marsha know how much she appreciated her as a teacher in the 7th grade. I let her know that Marsha had passed away. It made me think again about the effect someone can have when they live out their real passion, and an even better effect when it is passion for the common good. I also told her that Marsha loved her students as much if not more than her students could ever love her. Her passion was for their lives at the same time as she was teaching them their education for the future. She was loved and admired by her students because they knew she gave one hundred percent to her role in their lives. Her love was so genuine and her concern so constant that she succeeded with students many more times she was unable to reach some. I've tried to live my life with passion with Marsha as my example to emulate. You know a worthy goal sought and lived out with passion is the best source of a good life. The peace and joy that God promises exist in that place where we accept and live out out highest calling, His purpose for our lives.

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