Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Desert Blooms

John 7:37-39 On the last day of the feastthe great dayJesus stood up and proclaimedIf any one thirstlet him come to me and drink. He who believes in meas the scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart shall flow rivers of living water.’” Now this he said about the Spiritwhich those who believed in him were to receivefor as yet the Spirit had not been givenbecause Jesus was not yet glorified.

Once again living water was moving water full of air and life, fit to drink and use without fear, the kind necessary for life. The alternative was cistern water or stagnant water which could become polluted and poisonous. The river of life was predicted to come from the holy place )temple mount) and flow out becoming wider and deeper as it went in the later days. Jesus was replacing this image of the source of the river of life with a new image of the river of life flowing out from the temple of the spirit, which is what we believers have become. 

Have you ever seen the time lapse films of a desert coming into bloom after a rain. The desert just seems to quickly leap into flower and plush greenery. That is the spiritual picture jesus paints of what is meant to happen in the spiritual desert around us. With every step it is pictured that our living water will cause the desert to spring to life. We will bring the water that will quench the spiritual thirst of those who are looking for  a life giving drink. We need to drink deeply from the spring of this life giving water, Jesus, so the Holy Spirit in us will become the spring of living water Jesus expects.

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