Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Yesterday was filled with storm alerts, rain and beautiful lightning strikes in the distance. We have been so dry here that a storm or two was really welcome. I didn't here of anything really damaging happening because of the storms so I guess it was just one of the ways the grass gets watered and people get to slow down. We don't like storms but we need storms. A place without enough storms is a desert. Things live and thrive in a desert but the amount of life that can be supported is amazingly small. The funny part is we only want sunny and warm, and if we got our wish we couldn't survive.

Life is much the same. We only want the good times, and in fact many people avoid anything unpleasant. Some walk away from marriages, even children when storms arise. Every storm is to be avoided. Every problem is to be blamed on someone else.  Even when it comes to our country we expect every issue to be solved for us or every burden overcome. No taxes, no unemployment, no inflation, all the while education without effort, medicine without complications, government that only agrees with us.

In my life I have grown strongest and best during the storms or at least after a storm as I figured out what I could have done different or better. Avoiding the storms only brings on more storms. I choose life not the desert.

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