Monday, September 14, 2009


In nature we find lots of signs of the power to heal that God builds into his creation. The ugly bumps on this tree are formed to heal the tree from an infiltration that could kill the tree. It is interesting that the wood in these ugly scars is often the most beautiful. Five years ago I found out that I had a cancer in my colon. Surgery was required to remove a section of my colon and the two pieces were then reconnected. I loved my surgeon. Charlie Thayer is a fine surgeon, a wonderful Christian man and just a fun guy, but his fine technical work to remove and reconnect this important piece of my body would be useless if God didn't build a powerful healing ability into my body. We as humans have learned to cooperate with the natural things God created within us to begin with. White blood cells, our lymphatic system, our abilities to form antibodies to fight foreign proteins and on and on we have built in protections that science uses to increase our ability to heal, but the originator of the system is God.
God also gives us the ability to heal emotionally. Our mind and spirit have the ability to remember and forget. We have the ability to forgive and the ability to love again. We also can set limits and hold others accountable with reasonable expectations. Life is full of circumstances by which we learn about the inbred ability to heal our spirit.
Even after all that built in human potential for healing, God does not leave us alone to deal with our healing. God gives us supernatural assistance in the arena of healing as well. I could describe the numerous ways that God has answered my prayers for healing in this time of my grieving the loss of my love Marsha. I could explain the way God was present in the time I discovered I had cancer and the way God was present as my body and spirit healed. I could list specific examples when I saw God instantly heal individuals of both physical and emotional injuries. I also know that healing here on earth is finite but the ultimate healing is to become completely healed and whole again at the end of our life. Marsha has experienced that complete healing.
God is spectacular and to miss it is sad. When we continue to try and dismiss the supernatural because we want to elevate the human, we ignore the most beautiful dimension of creation. We settle for something so insignificant in comparison to a complete appreciation for the tremendous human skills and the phenomenal supernatural resources God has placed within and around us. God you are awesome.

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