Friday, September 11, 2009


I am crossing a whitewater river at a rapids above a steep high waterfall in the picture. Professionals have placed this log bridge across the gap for us to cross, but it still is a bit intimidating to cross. Lose your balance and your not sure if you couldn't be swept over the falls you hear roaring to the left. I have to say I am crazy enough that I turned around on the bridge so my son could get this picture. I was really crossing toward where my grandson is moving in the distance. Danger exists when we lose our balance.
Life requires balance and sometimes it is not an easy commodity to find at the market. We get pulled and tugged in one direction or another by forces all around us and like the currents in a river they can sweep you away to places you don't want to go. Marsha cautioned me about spending too much time alone after she passed away. She knew I am and internal person often quite content with my internal thoughts and explorations. She made me promise that I would keep myself involved with people and busy in the world, even encouraging me to find a new wife. I may not go that far, but I have been faithful to my promise to keep involved in the world and not be content to dwell in my isolated internal world. Even this blog is external for a person with my personality because it connects me to you and exposes me to the outside world which feels risky. How do I know when I'm in balance is the question? I know I need to grieve, how much of that needs alone time? Does busy facilitate or complicate that process? Am I busy doing the right things or merely filling time? What does balance look like in new situations? All of us go through changes and chances in life and they require adjustment. A well balanced teenager is not the same as a well balanced adult. We need to find new criteria for a balanced life as we move through the experiences of life. I know God is helping me but I need to be sure that I'm not blocking what he wants me to do by filling life with the wrong things. I think I'm on the right track and I continue to follow the path that I hope leads to a balanced senior citizen. One thing is for sure, the path is not as narrow as that bridge.

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