Saturday, August 15, 2009

The inquisitive Mind

Yesterday was another opportunity to watch a young one wrap his mind around new things. In the picture are my grandson Forrest now sixteen and my great grandson Kameron going on two. It was fun to just watch Kameron yesterday as he explored Dana's yard and played with the juggling equipment and the dogs. Often you could just see his mind turning and the moments of understanding come. I remember one instance in the cabin at Camp Dennen when Bekah was just a baby watching her try to figure something out that had to do with spatial relations, and that same look in her eye and the change in them when the moment of understanding came. I also taught for a number of years and looked into some young eyes where it was lights out. Kids where they had no curiosity in their eyes at all. I love curious people who somehow keep an open mind to understanding or questioning the world and life. I have very definite opinions about things. Anyone who knows me well knows that much. I also think of myself as a person who although strong in where I stand and why I stand there leaves almost every issue open to rethinking. I think God made our minds to be continuously seeking and searching for understanding. Every time we close off an area to thoughts and possibilities we lose. I hope I never lose the mind of a child, that mind that is questioning and searching and pondering everything all the time. Kameron made my day.

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