Sunday, July 5, 2009

Our Nation

I'm one of those people who cries at parades or when we sing The Star Spangled Banner or when we talk about the brave men and women who have left house and home, family and friends to stand in my place for the defense of our principles in this democracy of ours. One reason I became a public school teacher was because I know a true democracy cannot suceed without an educated population. Not educated in specific to get a great job at great pay, that may be nice, but rather a broad and complete education to make informed decisions about the future of our country and our world. I have differences of opinions with people about issues from time to time, most who read this already know that, but my biggest problem is with people who make decisions about our country and the world without taking time to and energy to acquire the necessary knowledge for an informed decision. Often that leaves them making decisions on self interest or what feels good to them for some emotional reason. Our country was established by people who built barns for their competition. Our country was founded by people who were looking to the common good not their personal good, knowing in the end the common good assured their personal good. They sought freedom yes, but it wasn't just freedom to do what they wanted it was freedom to do what was right. As we celebrate this anniversary of the greatest nation on earth we go through troubled times, because self interest has been placed as the priority in the hearts and minds of many of our fellow citizens. Doing what is right for the good of all has taken a back seat, and my hope is that this trouble will help us once again see that my personal good is found in the priority of the common good. I'm not running for office but I'll still end with God Bless America and a tear in my eye.

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