Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I have a young man I take care of one afternoon each week to give his grandparents a break. When a good movie for kids is released, that is one of our ways to fill the time. Today we went to see "Up". It was a fanciful movie about adventures missed and adventures lived. I didn't expect it to be a movie that would speak to my life. One main character promises a life of adventure to a young girl friend and as the movie progresses they marry and face disappointments and challenges that keep them from the big adventure they had planned. Ellie the wife dies and the old man finally heads off for the adventure in a rather fanciful way with a young boy looking to get a badge for helping the elderly along as a stowaway. The old man is constantly looking to fulfill the adventure he thinks his wife would want completed. In the end he reads her adventure book, that he thinks she was never able to complete, only to find that it is full of all the memories that they lived together during their lives. At the end she had written thank you for the adventure now go have a new one. Love, Ellie. Tomorrow is my Marsha's birthday and the pictures of their growing old together, Ellie's death and the adventure book with the note at the end, helped me grieve my loss. It is so amazing how the most important pieces of my facing my loss come in such surprising ways. This was not a kids movie for me, it was a connection to my present life events and my future hope. God had me in mind when I planned a nice day for Jake. The Lord is amazing all the time, all the time the Lord is amazing.

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