Saturday, June 13, 2009


One of the new things in my life is the solitary responsibility for housekeeping. I did share in cleaning the house, but Marsha was the one who was clearly in charge. I did the dishes and meal cleanup and I vacuumed but the rest was under Marsha's control. Occasionally she would ask me to help with some other details but that was rare indeed. Now I see how diligent you need to be to keep a house clean and looking good.
It made me aware of how often we let things slide in the housecleaning of our lives. We let a little dust accumulate here and a little dirt penetrate there. We sweep one problem under the rug and ignore the next. Ultimately we create a greater problem, because whatever builds up makes clean up more difficult. Like in the house, routine cleaning makes the tasks easy and keeps the work from becoming intimidating or overwhelming. In our lives routine care for our difficult and challenging situations can make it easy to handle problems. We can lose our proper perspective on our identity by letting things go. We can feel depressed and overwhelmed by letting situations fester.
Self examination is the routine needed. Why do we neglect what is clearly in our best interest as if another solution has ever worked. Deal with life, deal with yourself. Your peace is too great a gift to lose, because of a lack of soul cleaning.

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