Monday, June 1, 2009


I love being a dad, a granddad and a great granddad. I have an elder brother and my mother is still alive and well and so as I approach my 66th birthday tomorrow I am not the elder of my family and yet I do have a greatgrandson. It doesn't make me feel old as I have heard said by others. I have lived my life and I know how old I am and it has nothing to do with the age of my children or other offspring. Especially with the death of Marsha, my wife, I know each day I'm one day closer to my departure from this life. I rather focus on what we pass on, not necessarily through genetics although that can be part of it, but what seems to pass down as copied behavior, and at other times avoidance of copied behavior. I have watched families accept and reject patterns of life choice as I have talked with them about their lives. Some rebellion has been for the good and some not so helpful. Some copied family patterns have been hurtful and yet go unnoticed by the next generation that chooses to follow the pattern. At other times I have seen accepted family patterns be very positive. I wonder how objective I can be in even assessing my own choices or the choices of my family. All I know is I want my family to take the best from me and reject the worst. I want following generations to do better at living life than I did. I want my greatgrandson  to avoid the pitfalls of we who led the way. I want my children and their families to  find a path to a wonderful life. I pray that God will help me, will help us, to help those who follow us. I know I can't help them without God's help. Oh by the way the two handsome devils in the picture are my grandson and my greatgrandson.

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