Friday, September 30, 2011

And Does Them

Matthew 7:22-24  Every one then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house upon the rockand the rain felland the floods cameand the winds blew and beat upon that housebut it did not fallbecause it had been founded on the rock.

Start now to think of some of the things that Jesus said and taught. Remember the words above are the actual ending of the sermon on the mount, but don't limit what he said and taught to that portion of scripture alone. Go through your red letter bible and only read the words that Jesus said. I find that the easiest way to focus only on the thoughts of Jesus.

He is the rock on which to build a life worth living, and his words hold the life together. Notice in his words that the rain fell and the floods came on both those who built their house on rock and on sand. The world will bring rain in a world where people pursue selfish desires and greedy values. Life will not be easy for any of us but on the rock we will find a life worth living even in the midst of the flood. Jesus advice, listen or, in other words, heed his words and teaching

I would be amiss to not point out loudly and clearly again that it is not just hearing and reading his words and teaching that makes your life one built on rock. He then adds the phrase "and does them". That changes the situation completely doesn't it? Professing without doing is just a form of hypocrisy. I read the words of Jesus not for knowledge but for instructions. I can't read them and ignore the poverty around me and around the world. I can't read them and hate those who are different than me. I can't read them and covet what belongs to another nor be silent if I think they are accumulating what should be shared with another. I might fail in my efforts to follow the instructions, but they are not just words they are a call to action.

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